The Heart of Transformation NAVRATRI SADHANA, October 2020 Join Amisha Ghadiali and Mischa Varmuza for a 9 day sādhanā during the auspicious festival of Navratri, 17-25 October, 2020, from the [...]
( Mythology, Mantra, Yoga, Dance, Energy Healing ) Meet within the Goddesses Lakshmi, Saraswati, Durga, Kali and Green Tara as we will awaken their potent qualities inside of ourselves through [...]
Two years ago, my incredible friend Loose Baker (who you might remember from our Being Light retreat) asked me if I would like to take part in her latest creation, […]
Looking for a space to re-charge, heal and get in touch with your creativity? Come and bliss out for a whole week in Goa with yoga, meditation and basking in […]
Right now we are close to the end of Navaratri, the yogic festival in honour of the Goddess. This happens twice a year, in the space where the seasons are […]
This class will celebrate the Hindu Festival Navaratri, honouring the scared feminine within all of us (man or woman). Navaratri, a nine night/ten day celebration of the goddess energy of […]
This is a powerful week, we have had the Autumn Equinox and the New Moon, and today begins Navaratri, a nine night/ten day celebration of the goddess energy of Durga. The word […]
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