Sitting by a fire, with the women who wrote this, dear soul sister Lauren. Hearts open, fire blazing, souls rising. IF YOU WANT TO CHANGE THE WORLD, LOVE A MAN. […]
Back in 2012 I shaved my head to raise money and awareness for the charity Womankind Worldwide. The footage was somewhat held hostage for over a year by the filmmaker. We […]
This year’s International Women’s Day and Women of the World festival was even more fun than the last time. I really love this time of year, as it is always […]
This summer I cut off 20 inches of my hair to raise money and awareness for the charity womankind Worldwide. The thing that had inspired it was reading about the […]
At the Southbank Centre’s WOW Festival, I had the pleasure of hosting one of the WOW Bites panels where five very different women spoke about projects or ideas that are meaningful […]
****Update…I did it! Thoughts on the experience here**** So…the most petrifying thing that I have ever done is just around the corner. Last week I agreed to take part in […]
Most little girls grow up with a thought of what it might be like to be a princess. The recent hysteria over the royal wedding shows how excited the world […]
Helping out with the Yes To Fairer Votes campaign really feels like one of the most important things I have done. Last night at our rally, I was beyond inspired […]
It is a beautiful sunny day here in London, perfect weather to celebrate the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day. This celebration is actually a national holiday in many [...]
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