My New Monthly E-Zine
Over the years I have shied away from sending e-mails. I know that everyone has bulging inboxes and didn’t want to add more to it. Instead I was sharing ideas and links through social media and doing occasional blog posts. The online space moves so quickly and so often we all miss things that we would have wanted to see. In light of the recent incident in Bangladesh and other global stories, there is more interest than ever in sustainable fashion and conscious living. Through the work that I do, I am fortunate to know lots of great brands, projects and individuals moving things in a brighter direction. And so I have decided to create this monthly e-zine that shares some of my own thoughts, along with selected things that I have come across and really love. I will keep it positive with stories of inspiration and calls to action. In addition to this e-zine that will always come to you in the first week of the month, I will also be adding a new post to my blog every Wednesday.
“Whatever we possess becomes of double value when we have the opportunity of sharing it with others.” Jean-Nicolas Bouilly
I hope that you enjoy what I have to share,
Thank you, Amisha