As yogis, one of our principles is Ahimsa, to cause no injury, to do no harm. And so what we wear to practice and teach yoga in matters. The clothes […]
Today I walk with Style and Presence tuned into my inner grace. Embodying my values through my core from my crown down to my base. Every part of my […]
Earlier today I was walking to the tube station when somebody shouted at me “get out, go on, go back where you came from!” Things like this can happen when […]
Happy New Year!!! I am sitting in my studio feeling the sunshine on my shoulders and I can sense the magic of 2015 that awaits. Ten years ago this week, […]
Explore this incredible piece of interactive journalism from The Guardian, The Shirt on your back. A year on from the Rana Plaza Tragedy in Bangladesh, explore who makes your clothes and the [...]
“Competition should be seen as compassionate competition, (which is when) you learn, you are helped by the spirit of energy of the others… Only when we combine the vision and […]
Last Thursday marked the six month anniversary of a garment factory collapse that killed 1133 people and injured a further 2500. Sadly the infamous Rana Plaza incident in Dhaka, Bangladesh […]
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