Make Your Vote Count!

 In Citizenship, Ethical Fashion, Journal, Social Change, The Political
On Monday I took part in a press conference with some of our politicians and Eddie Izzard speaking out for Yes to Fairer Votes. As those of you who read my blog will have noticed, I am supporting the campaign as a Vice-Chair as I believe very strongly that this is the most important vote that we have ever been asked to cast. The referendum is just two weeks away, a chance to make our democracy more honest and fair. I think it’s great that there are politicians from a variety of different parties who support the alternative vote, but it really isn’t about them. Our vote is the main way that we take part in our democracy. It is how we voice our fears and hopes for the future. We choose a person to represent our best interest in parliament, to voice our concerns, to put our position forward and to create debate on the issues that matter to us.
It has really upset me how the media has decided to make this referendum a political issue, focusing on the politicians and what this means for them and for the coalition. When this is really about us, how we have our say and our future. The Alternative Vote makes voting simpler, you can go into the ballot box and express your true preferences. With this system all our votes count, even if your first choice is not a candidate from one of the main parties. You can express which candidates you would be happy to represent you, in the order that it appeals to you. What could be easier than that?
We have just two weeks to go now til we vote in this referendum, and so I urge all of you to get behind the Yes Vote, talk to your friends and family, tweet, e-mail, join in with our local activists. Do what you can to make sure that we don’t let this opportunity pass us by.
Here is the video from Monday’s press conference:
The eco-fabulous blouse that I am wearing is by one of the most exciting ethical fashion designers in London, Ada Zanditon. I have been a supporter of Ada’s work since I saw her at her graduate show at LCF. She is regularly featured in Vogue, and worldwide fashion magazines. This blouse is from her Spring/Summer 2011 collection, The Pyramora inspired by the stature of the Great Pyramids and the beauty and fragility of coral reefs. I have also written about her Autumn/Winter 2011 collection, The Cryoflux and her collaboration with ethical jewellery Ingle & Rhode to celebrate the launch of fairly traded and fairly mined gold on Ecouterre.
Learn More and Get Involved:
+ My post – Why I Say Yes In May explaining the Alternative Vote and First Past The Post
+ My post – Give Up Yourself Unto This Moment, The Time for Change is Now explaining why this referendum is important and why you should be careful believing what the no campaign is saying
+ Yes To Fairer Votes Website where you can find out how to get involved in local actions
+ Read Johann Hari’s piece in The Independent – “If You Get The X-Factor, You’ll get AV” 
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