Think Act Vote (?!X) Manifesto

 In Citizenship, Journal, Social Change, The Political, Think Act Vote

Think Act Vote (?!X) Manifesto

The Think Act Vote Manifesto – written by me, illustrated by hand by artist Robert Reed.


Every second the world is changing, and we shape it by how we spend our time, money and energy.

We Think, Act and Vote. We Create The Future We Choose. This is how we express our power and our voice.

We can’t create it if we don’t know what we want, and every one of us has ideas and experiences that can lead us to a better world.

We need to make space to see the world as it is now, and as it could be, and share our collective vision of the future.

We must resist the temptation to put people and things in boxes, but instead listen and learn. We know that everything is connected, so we work across boundaries, difference, industries and personalities. We understand our values and we bring them into everything that we do.

We don’t have all the answers and so we ask everybody these questions:

What is the Future That You Choose? [What kind of world do you want to live in?]

What’s a THINK to Create this Future? [THINK = something that has informed and inspired the future that you choose]

What’s an ACT to Create this Future? [ACT = something that we can all do to help create the future that you choose]

What’s a VOTE to Create this Future? [VOTE = a pledge of allegiance to something that we believe is creating the future we choose]

If we can answer these questions individually than collectively we can build our shared future, together.

In the words of Paul Hilder “The Future I Choose is the Future I never even thought of – before each one of you opened my eyes.”


+ more about the manifestos project

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